Talking to Myself

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Do you ever hit snooze when you’re supposed to wake up and go for a 5 mile run? Yeah, me neither.

We set high goals for ourselves to push us to get better. We break down big ideas into small steps, guessing with each day we set out to accomplish something, eventually we will succeed with capturing the big, almighty goal. 

When you practice something, it can take one of many paths. One path is slowly learning to love the process, admiring your own progress each day, no matter how little the improvement appears. You recognize you gave yourself a gift of self-love, for reaching higher and pushing harder because you can. The daily practice becomes part of your person- it’s so ingrained into who you are, that you feel off if you miss a day.

Another path involves practicing everyday, but you are so mad and critical of yourself. Each day is grueling and you think of excuses to avoid it. Instead of sharing with others to gain support, you keep it inside because it’s not worth anyone knowing. 

While every practice involves a few ups and plenty of downs, it’s important to understand how you treat yourself on a bad day, as much as you pump yourself up on good days. Do you pat yourself on the back for showing up, or talk yourself down because you didn’t run fast enough, jump high enough, or write well enough? 

Be aware of the power you have over your own goals and destiny, the things we say to ourselves become the things we speak to others.



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