100 Days

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I recently started a 100 day challenge with Creative Mornings Boston. The goal of this challenge is to create and share an artistic endeavor for 100 days straight. 

The first time I did something similar, it was writing based. My intention was to simply make it. Just show up and do the work, every day. Sounds ridiculously simple, but I struggled. I didn’t want the whole world to analyze my insecurities, let alone my own eyes.

After a few weeks, I realized I wasn’t under a magnifying glass, being roasted to a crisp under the sun’s sharp scrutiny. I could loosen up a bit, and start to have a little fun - this was all for me, after all. I realized people were far more supportive than I ever gave them credit for. Disagree? Then find different people to surround yourself with.

Each day I created something new, it led into more questions - my mind was running with possibilities. Writing every day nudged at my “what if’s”, the thoughts that had been lurking around but were never given the light of day. 

One day, I had the thought of doodling to accompany my writing. From there, it hit me like a snowball to the face - I remembered how much I loved drawing! An activity that used to occupy hours of my pea-sized head everyday had been flushed down the toilet by the hand of adult monotony.

What creative passions have you lost or forgotten as an adult, besides developing elaborate schemes to torture your siblings? Are you willing to commit to getting better and sharing with others? 

No matter the medium or the outcome, start small and be patient. Or go big and loud!

Just make sure you’re doing you.



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